This is a curated collection of tools and resources to enhance your experiance of playing osu! This list has been created and is currently primarily maintained by the staff of the osu! Game Community Discord server, with contributions from our community. The list is also displayed in the #osu-resources channel on the Discord server.

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Last update: 2024-09-13

Replay and Score Analysis

  • Danser-Go - Render your replays locally
  • o!rdr - Render your replays online (powered by Danser-Go!)
  • Rewind - Analyze replays in meticulous detail
  • osu-aim-analyzer - A replay analysis tool to help analyze aim mistakes

Stats Trackers

  • osu!track - Track your pp gains and top 100 scores over time
  • osu!Stats - Find scores that fit certain parameters
  • osu!daily - Track your profile, score, pp, and more

Alternative Leaderboards

  • Osekai - Medal solutions and alternative rankings
  • osu! scores inspector - More alternative rankings, as well as clan leaderboards
  • PP Rankings - Information and calculations for proposed and past pp reworks
  • osu! World - Provides provincial, state, and/or regional leaderboards
  • osu!Skills - Ranking based on individual skills
  • osu!snipe - Website for tracking various leaderboards, such as country #1 rankings

Alternative Clients

  • osu!lazer - Official rewrite of the game with a modern design, a bunch of new mods and features
  • McOsu - osu! clone with various training tools and VR support
  • Web osu!mania - Play osu!mania in the browser
  • osu!droid - osu! clone for Android devices

Training Tools

  • osu!Trainer - A program that allows you to modify the difficulty of a beatmap very quickly and easily
  • cosu!Trainer - osu!Trainer alternative for Linux, written in C


Beatmap Management Tools

  • Batch Beatmap Downloader - Tool to mass download beatmaps, you can also apply filters and create collections for the downloaded beatmaps
  • Collection Manager - Import and export collections made by yourself as well as other players
  • osu! cleaner - Tool to save space by deleting unnecessary elements from beatmaps

Beatmap Search Tools

  • Advanced in-game/web search - Wiki article on how to use the advanced search features in-game and on the website search bar
  • osu!re:search - Website with advanced beatmap search options and filters
  • osu!Collector - Beatmap collections from the members of the osu! community
  • OMDB - Beatmaps categorized by various descriptors such as gimmicks, styles, skillsets, and more
  • osu!pps - Website for finding common farm maps within your skill range


  • osuck - Website to get skins for all game modes
  • Skinship's skin compendium - Easy to search archive of all osu! skins posted in the Completed Skins forum
  • osuskins - Compendium of osu! skins, especially from top players
  • OsuSkinMixer - A tool to easily mix various elements of skins

Mapping Resources

Mapping Tools

Browser Extensions

  • osuplus - Extension that adds extra features to the osu! website
  • score inspector - A userscript that adds more stats to user profiles on the official osu! website (Extension compatible with the osu! scores inspector)
  • osu! preview - Preview a beatmap without downloading it
  • osu! subdivide nations - Display the regional flags and names of players on the official osu! website as well as other unofficial sites (Extension compatible with osu! World)
  • pp calculator - Calculate how much PP a map is worth for a particular score
  • osu-color-changer - A userstyle allowing various colour and stylistic changes for the osu! website, featuring many customization options


  • StreamCompanion - Provides various overlays such as pp counters, map information, and more. Can be used for streaming or in-game
  • Ronnia - Twitch/osu! bot that sends beatmap requests from Twitch chat to the streamer's in-game messages
  • JKPS - Keyboard overlay featuring key press visualisation and a keys per second meter

Discord Bots

  • BathBot - A feature-rich bot with functionality all around osu! - check your recent plays, compare top scores among players, play the background guessing game and more
  • owo - A general-purpose bot to show off your profile/recent plays, get map recommendations, compare yourself to others and more
  • Yuna - The official o!rdr bot, useful to render replays through discord chat
  • AxerBot - A general-purpose and powerful bot with osu! features related to mapping & modding
  • osu! Miss Analyzer - A tool to analyze misses in an osu! replay (has a discord bot and program to run locally)

In-game Bots

These are some of the bots that can be used in the in-game chat. Find the account by username and message them with the commands to get a response.
